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The $10,000.00
Pitch Competition


A creative and effective project to bring corporate, small business and community together to solve and prevent a myriad of issues while establishing communication platforms and long-term funding sources.

$10,000 PITCH

Small Businesses will Pitch

1) To present their services or products.

2) To qualify for the $1,500 to $10,000 per month in funding.

3) To receive the Business to Business Service-Provider Contracts.

$10,000 PITCH

Nonprofits and Projects will Pitch:

1) To present their services.

2)  To Win the Prize Money.

3) To qualify for the $1,500 to $10,000 per month long-term funding.

$10,000 PITCH

Local Companies will Pitch their Products and Services seeking:

1) To help fund the solutions and

2) To win the Group-Purchasing Contracts.

3) To communicate with the groups of 500 and 50,000.


The Pitch is "not" your ordinary contest. The Pitch will provide a winning prize and will provide funding to all participants through the Two Million Dollar "Funding-Solutions Campaign.

The money is not free money, It's not grants, donations or loans and it is never repaid!

It is a Group-Purchasing Project.

Companies are paying for the guaranteed contracts, advertising and leads. The fees paid by the companies are electronically distributed to the participating members (small businesses and nonprofits).

It's Money for Solutions!

The Two Million Dollar "Funding-Solutions" Campaign

The Pitch is a project of the Two Million Dollar "Funding-Solutions" Campaign.

A Group-Purchasing Project that revolves Two Million Dollars through groups of twenty organizations with influence on a minimum of one million individuals.

Participating Groups of twenty and one hundred organizations are all required to spend their $120,000 with the specific participating companies that are funding the two million dollars.

All funds must be used for: operations, media, communications, facility, transportation, payroll, debts, supplies and equipment.

Our Annual

Holiday Sale

Add information about the promotion here. Click to edit the text and any details about the sale you want users to know.


500 Terry Francine Street 

San Francisco, CA 94158

Tel: 123-456-7890

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